Friday, September 21, 2007

High School Daze


A week ago, I attended my 35th High School Reunion.
I was a bit tentative about going, as I was not that socially
active through much of my high school years with that
group. Instead I'd spent much of my time in high school
with the church high school group.

However, I did go. First to the Open House at Nathan
Hale High School, then later to the Mixer at the hotel.
It was quite interesting, and enjoyable. Though I knew
in advance some of the people I really wanted to see, and
and had not seen in ages, would not be there, I knew some
of them would attend.

What amazed me most though, was how enjoyable it was
to converse with some of the others that I'd not really been
that close to in high school, but yet we did have things we
remembered about each other. Several were there that I
had been closer to in elementary school or junior high
school, so it was good to catch up with them, after all these
years. Several of them had also gone to Oklahoma State
University, and a few of those I'd gotten to know a bit
better at OSU than I had in high school.

I'd only been to the 10 years reunion before this one, so
I did see a big difference, as most of the pretenses had been
dropped over the years, and the more popular ones from
high school were just regular people, like me. Oh, I know,
they were back then as well, but I didn't realize it then.
I have grown up some since high school. I hope.

There are plans for another reunion next year. Normally
there would not be one for the 36th year, but in 2009
Nathan Hale High School is doing a 50th Anniversary
All-School Reunion, so our group is trying to locate as
many as possible with the 35th, and the 36th, reunions,
to have a really large gathering in 2009.

I had spent part of the morning the day of the Reunion
going through my high school yearbooks. What a trip.
That brought back many memories. Reading what
others wrote in my yearbooks, really took me back as
well. I got to review how they all looked way back when.
Some of them did not look that much different today.
Others looked quite different, but of course, their
personalities were quite similar to all those years ago
in talking to them again.

I look forward to the 36th Reunion. I was lighter at the
35th Reunion, than I was in High School. I shared my
surgery info with several of the other alums, but it was
not the only subject of conversations. Talk ranged from
who we had as teachers, sporting events back then, OSU,
old neighbors (other kids), what people are doing today
in their careers / families, etc., etc., etc.

If you get a chance to go to a school reunion........ go.
It's a chance to renew acquaintances, and to make new
acquaintances of those you may have just passed in the
halls, all those years ago. Or to re-energize relationships
from even further back than high school, and hopefully
do more socializing in the upcoming years, with those
from the past.
